Monday, March 22, 2010

First order of business.....Miss Zooey, God, love her! Right? I mean am I crazy to have such a woman crush on her that I just sorta want to lick her face? I mean she probably tastes like honey or something. Ok maybe that is taking it a bit far, but she is my favorite as far as fashionistas go... and that is by far a long list to top. So kudos to her right. Everything about her is just 100% adorable. Her raspy voice, her long stunning hair, the clothes (duh) and those baby blues....She always seems to hit the nail on the head when it comes to her attire, then again she IS one of those rare sickening chicks that actually could make a potato sack somehow look incredibly adorable and fashionable. So here are a few of my favorite photos of her... and some of her best looks..... and then a few shopping ideas if you want to get HER look for less....

oh... and p.s. she doesn't look anything like katy perry and is far more talented..... google darlings.... you should get that strait!

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